Journey of taste: Kaitha is helpful in fighting infection, anti-aging properties are also present, history is interesting

Journey of taste: Kaitha is helpful in fighting infection, anti-aging properties are also present, history is interesting


Ripe fruit is a destroyer of Vata-Kapha, it is also an antidote.
Sour and mildly sweet Kaitha protects the body from infection.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Kaitha is an Indian fruit. It looks like bael fruit but is smaller in size. Raw Kaitha is very sour and ripe fruit is sour-sweet. It is rich in Vitamin B and C. The pickle made from it lasts for years. This fruit fights infection and also keeps blood pressure under control. One of its specialties is that Catha slows down the speed of ageing. In the Ayurvedic texts of the country, it has been considered a very beneficial fruit.

Catha is sour-sweet

There are many other names of Kaitha (Elephant Apple/Wood Apple), but it is famous everywhere by the name of Kaitha. It has a hard wooden shell like a belfle. The unripe fruit is grey-white mixed green in color and the ripe fruit is brown in colour. Both raw and ripe fruits of Cathay are useful for eating. The unripe fruit is sour, mildly astringent and the ripe fruit is sour-sweet. The pulp found in it is sticky. When you break open the shell, it looks like pulp. Excellent pickle is made of raw pulp, its pickle made with special spices does not spoil for years. Its ripe pulp can be eaten by adding sugar or can be drunk by making syrup. Its spicy chutney is made a lot in rural areas. In Indonesia, Kaitha pulp mixed with honey is eaten for breakfast, while in Thailand its leaves are eaten mixed with salad. Its jam and jelly are also made.

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Kaitha born in the dense forests of India

Food historians believe that the Kaitha fruit originated in the dense forests of India. Kaitha (Kapittha) has been considered a holy fruit in the religious texts of the country. In the Ganesh Vandana described in Puranas, this fruit has been described as the favorite fruit of Ganesha. In Sanskrit literature also the characteristics of Kaitha have been explained through metaphor (example). The Ayurvedic text ‘Charaksamhita’ written in 7th-8th BC describes the characteristics of raw and ripe Catha. According to the book, raw Kaitha is edible, cool and anti-toxic. It is astringent, acidic, sweet and aromatic, hence creates interest in food.

Kaitha is an Indian fruit and it grows all over the country. Image-Canva

According to the book, the ripe fruit is a destroyer of vata-kapha, also anti-toxic, but it is heavy for the stomach. In the book ‘Fruits’ written by Prof. Ranjit Singh and Prof. SK Saxena, agronomists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (Pusa), Kaitha is considered to belong to the plant family (Rutaceae Family). They say that it is an Indian fruit and it grows all over the country. This fruit has been considered to have spread from India itself to the surrounding countries.

Food experts and Ayurvedacharya consider it very beneficial.

Food experts and Ayurvedacharya consider Kaitha very beneficial in terms of properties. He says that this fruit is a good source of Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin C. Iron, calcium, phosphorus and zinc are also present in it. The carbohydrate found in it provides instant energy to the body. Indian Herbs.

Renowned Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on fruits and vegetables, also considers it very beneficial for the body. They say that this sour and mildly sweet fruit not only protects the body from infection, but also the oil extracted from its seeds suppresses bile. The gum extracted from the trunk and twigs of its tree helps in preventing diabetes. This gum balances the effect of sugar in the blood stream.

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Keeps kidney and liver healthy

According to Vaidyaraj Dinanath Upadhyay, former dean of Mumbai University, Indian sages and Vedacharyas had known the properties of Kaitha fruit long ago. Due to the presence of vitamin C, it is considered very beneficial for eyesight. Potassium is also found in it which keeps the blood pressure under control. It strengthens the body’s immune system, by which flu, cough, cold can be avoided.

Wood Apple

It is believed that Kaitha keeps the kidney and liver healthy. Image-Canva

Vitamin C and B-12 found in it keep the speed of aging slow. Due to Vitamin C, it is also an antioxidant which keeps the veins and nervous system healthy. Another specialty of this is that Kaitha provides instant energy to the body. It is also believed that Kaitha keeps the kidney and liver healthy. There is no side effect of consuming it in normal quantity but if consumed in excess it can cause problems like indigestion, stomach pain and gas. Loose motion can happen if you eat more.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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